The Exophonic Writer Podcast
Hi, I'm Zoe! I'm a Visual Linguist and Exophonic Writer based in Melbourne, Australia. Join me each episode while I podcast my quest to become a published author.
Some topics that will show up in the podcast are:
-Languages and Linguistics (especially about Spanish and English).
-The struggles of writing in your second language.
-Literature (genres and styles that have grabbed my attention)
-Writing techniques, rituals and routines.
-Seeking publication.
-Curation of resources: books, blogs, podcasts, films, websites, apps, talks and more (because in the era of information excess, curation is such a valuable gift).
If that sounds like what you need to hear right now, press play and embark with me in an exophonic creative journey!
The Exophonic Writer Podcast
3- In the beginning... there was the Word - a podcast about loving, learning and making wor(l)ds up
Words are god-like elements that establish the reality all around us.
Join me in this episode to know about:
- When a word has 2 meaning but we only know 1 of them.
- The joy of making words up.
- There's no such thing as unreal words, only unpopular ones.
- Why linguists don't study words.
The Translator - by Nina Schuyler
Babycakes - by Neil Gaiman (video)
Words (allegedly) made-up by Shakespeare
Sonder - Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
Vsauce (about words)
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I'll be thrilled to hear from you! :)