The Exophonic Writer Podcast
Hi, I'm Zoe! I'm a Visual Linguist and Exophonic Writer based in Melbourne, Australia. Join me each episode while I podcast my quest to become a published author.
Some topics that will show up in the podcast are:
-Languages and Linguistics (especially about Spanish and English).
-The struggles of writing in your second language.
-Literature (genres and styles that have grabbed my attention)
-Writing techniques, rituals and routines.
-Seeking publication.
-Curation of resources: books, blogs, podcasts, films, websites, apps, talks and more (because in the era of information excess, curation is such a valuable gift).
If that sounds like what you need to hear right now, press play and embark with me in an exophonic creative journey!
The Exophonic Writer Podcast
5- My writing routine (or lack thereof)
Welcome to episode 5, where I'll talk about my (messy) writing routine, plus the software (or lack thereof) that I use, my favourite places to write, and much more.
This episode is packed with inspiration triggers and curated resources that you can find listed down below (they obviously make much more sense if you listen to the episode).
✨ Writers' Routine.
✨Unpublished Podcast (about romanticising writing).
✨Neil Gaiman at the Tim Ferris Podcast.
✨Snowflake method for writing novels, by Randy Ingermanson.
✨ Australian Writer's Centre (writing course I want to take at Abbotsford Convent).
✨Several Short Sentences about Writing, Verlyn Klinkenborg.
(I said 'Several short stories', but it was 'sentences')
✨ Café Tortoni, in Buenos Aires
(where Borges and all his literary friends gathered up to write).
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I'll be thrilled to hear from you! :)